Right of Light

Daylight + Sunlight

Party Wall


Daylight + Sunlight

Daylight and sunlight surveying measures how much natural light a building receives. It helps optimize design, assesses potential shading, and ensures adequate light levels for comfort and well-being.

All about it

Daylight + Sunlight

With our in-depth knowledge of the BRE guidelines, we can undertake daylight and sunlight analysis and provide documentation to support a planning application.

We can assess the implications for the neighbouring properties as well as the level of daylight and sunlight enjoyed by the proposed accommodation.

  • Initial Site Appraisal

  • Daylight + Sunlight assessments

  • Façade Analysis + Optimisation

  • Tree Impact assessments

  • Transient Overshadowing

  • Pre-Acquisition strategic advice

Services we offer

Case Studies



Contact Us

Get in touch.

Head Office
2-6 Boundary Row
London, SE1 8HP

Essex Office
2-6 Boundary Row
London, SE1 8HP

020 3714 4090

Get in touch.

Head Office
2-6 Boundary Row
London, SE1 8HP

Essex Office
2-6 Boundary Row
London, SE1 8HP

020 3714 4090